Thursday, 10 March 2011

How to talk to a journalist

Approaching the media is one of the real challenges of PR - but it doesn't have to be.

Journalists are real people.  They are doing a job and need to fill their pages.  If you can help them do that, then all the better.

Think about all the media available today - from print media, electronic, radio, newspapers... then think of the different sectors from consumer press to industry, hobbies, sailing, crafts, parenting - there are hundreds of pages which need to be filled every month.

Remember that journalists need people like you and I to supply them with news stories, angles, feature ideas, quotes and statistics. If you start realising that you are helping an editor to do his/her job a little easier, then your PR could really start moving.

PR is just as much about building  a relationship with your media contacts as it is your customers.  Start by introducing yourself to the press, take a look at the magazine/paper they work on, what sectors do they work on.  How can you help them?  Do they need case studies to help with their features?  Perhaps they need a recipe for a family page?   Can you offer life coaching help for a fitness special?

It's best to use a mix of phone calls and email - like any other person.  They could be busy, up against deadline or out of the office for a few days. 

Find out what features they are working on - remember how far in advance some magazines work.

What could you offer them?  Think in terms of value - could you offer them some of your products as a competition prize.  This is a great way to gain a bit of PR space.

Be brave, be bold and give your PR a kick start!

Need a PR Boost? - check out my website ( for PR Packages, Coaching and details of the parenting media database.

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